Friday, September 17, 2010

Modify a blog

This assignment tests your understanding of modifying the layout and style of a blog.

Add Profile and Link List gadgets to your blog, as shown in this example blog.

Note that in the example there is a link to my profile, but my profile itself does not appear.

Blogger will find and use your Google Plus profile if you used the same account for Google Plus and Blogger.

Note also that the helpful links are to our class roster, class home page and professor's home page.

Don't forget to test the links to your profile and the helpful links to be sure they work.

Print and turn in a screen shot of the blog with the helpful links and profile gadgets.

Next change the your blog template and answer these questions:
  1. Did changing the template change the appearance of your blog?
  2. Did changing the template change the content of your blog?
Print your answers to turn in then reset the original template

Link to topic module
Prerequisite assignment


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Helpful Tip:

    On this assignement when you add a gadget, you must select the list Icon. Title: Helpful Links.

    than type in a name for your link. then the button next to it is a hyperlink click that, then you can add a link you want then add the link. then save.

    just make sure the link works it should.

    hope this helps.
