Monday, September 23, 2013

Revise your contribution to a collaboratively written document

Return to your answer to the assignment on Michael Wesch's view of education.  Even if it is well written and expresses what you feel, revise it -- perfect it.  Fix any awkward sentences.  Delete anything that is redundant.  Read it outloud.  Get someone else to read it and ask them for critical input.  (The reader does not have to be someone in our class.  (Whoever it is listen to what they say -- don't be defensive).

When you are proud of what you have written, upload the final draft to our shared database.

To enter the revised document in the online database, roll the cursor over your entry -- the "edit" link will appear to the left of your name. Alternatively, you can delete your old entry and create a new one with your revised answer.

Finally, print the final draft to turn in and state the name of the person who reviewed it and their relationship to you.

Link to pre-requisite assignment
Link to topic module
Link to topic module
Link to topic module

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